Wednesday, August 30, 2006


So I'm sick. And now Jason is too.

I woke up yesterday morning with horrible stomach cramps and felt clammy, dizzy and like I was going to either pass out or puke (I know you wanted were dying to know that).

Today Jason is feeling sick as well. I'm not sure if it's a bug that I caught and gave to him, or if it's something we ate...we did go to the fair Sunday night...

...that's probably what it is. Those food stands at the fair do not have the highest standards of cleanliness. Yuck.

We had plans to take dinner over to our friends house tonight (the ones who just had the baby) and hang out with them. I made baked rigatoni (my specialty) with homemade pasta sauce, and I was so looking forward to seeing them and the baby! We had to cancel because we don't want to risk getting the baby sick.

Hopefully we'll both be back to normal by this weekend...we're going down to my family's cabin near Mt. Rainier.

Maybe I'll just have to take tomorrow off and rest up...

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