Tuesday, October 16, 2007

the condo...

As promised, here are the pictures from the listing. Keep in mind that these pictures have someone elses furnishings. I will take more pictures once we get in and have it set up with our stuff.

Oh...and just imagine my new 42" LCD TV on top of that fireplace...


Michelle and the City said...

SO gorgeous. seeing the pics actually made me excited (if only for a second) about getting my own place and decorating it.

elysa said...

That is so fun. Hey can I have their furniture. I'm sure you will do great things with the place.

emily said...

Cute! I love the tiles in the bathroom.

Lacey Bean said...

It looks SOOO pretty! (knowing that the furnitute isnt yours). Congrats!!

Mrs Pop said...

Great place! The counters an backsplashes are great. Congratulations!! :)

Jenni said...

Elysa...unfortunately, the furniture doesn't come with the place :(...it may be a forclosure, but she gets to keep her stuff.

Darn...because I LOVE her barstools...and you can't really see it in the picture, but on the deck she has this SUPER cut wood/bamboo bar!

Anonymous said...

Pretty!! I love the counter in the bathroom and the kitchen. Lovely, lovely, lovely! I hope that your new place brings you all the happiness that you deserve!

Anonymous said...

BE-AUTIFUL. Absolutely beautiful!

Lisa said...

The place looks gorgeous! Can't wait to see it after you've moved in.

k said...

so cute! is it in tacoma or seattle (or in between)?